Related Sites
Below are several sites you might find interesting.

Clubs & Organizations
American Society of Arms Collectors
Browning Collectors Association
Buffalo Bill Historical Center
BATF – Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
Colorado Gun Collectors Association
Colorado State Muzzle loading Association.
Colorado State Shooting Association
Connecticut State Library (Colt)
The Dallas Arms Collectors Association
Firearms Coalition of Colorado
German Gun Collectors Association
Historical Breechloading Smallarms Association
Houston Gun Collectors Association
International Ammunition Association, Inc. (IAA)
L.C. Smith Collectors Association
Marlin Firearms Collectors Association
Muzzle Loaders Association of Great Britain
National Firearms Association (Canada)
The National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association
NRA – National Rifle Association
Ohio Gun Collectors Association
SAAMI Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute
The Society of American Bayonet Collectors
Smith & Wesson Collectors Association
Texas Gun Collectors Association
US Springfield Trapdoor Rifle Information Center
Virginia Gun Collectors Association
Weatherby Collectors Association
American Museums
National Firearms Museum
National Rifle Association
11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030 (703) 267-1600
Phil Schreier, curator (18th, 19th, & 20th Century Firearms) (10/05)
The Art Institute of Chicago
The George F. Harding, Jr. Collection of Arms and Armor
111 S. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60603-6110 (312) 443-3642
Chickamauga & Chattanooga National Military Park
P.O. Box 2128 Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742
(706) 866-9241
M. Ann Belkov, Supt.
(Claud E. Fuller Arms Collection) (7/04)
Cody Firearms Museum
Buffalo Bill Historical Center
720 Sheridan Avenue Cody, Wyoming 82414 (307) 578-4117
David Kennedy, Curator
Serial number research
(307) 587-4771 (10/05)
Colonial Williamsburg
P. O. Box 1776
Williamsburg, VA 23187-1776
(757) 229-1000 Erik Goldstein, Curator (Revolutionary War Arms, & British arms 1702-1780) (10/05)
First Corps of Cadets Museum
227 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02116
(617) 267-1726
Craig W.C. Brown, Curator (U.S. Flintlock, Percussion, & Cartridge Military Arms) (7/04)
Fort Ticonderoga
P.O. Box 390
Ticonderoga, NY 12883
(518) 585-2821
Christopher Fox, Curator of Collections
(Colonial and Revolutionary War Arms) (10/05)
Frazier Historical Arms Museum
829 West Main Street
Louisville, KY 40202-2619
(502) 412-2280 or toll-free (866) 886-7103
Mr. Walter “Chip” Karcheski, Chief Curator of Arms and Armor
(Includes huge number of exhibits from England’s Royal Armouries
in addition to large and first rate collection of American arms.)
Higgins Armory Museum
100 Barber Avenue
Worcester, MA – 01606-2444
(508) 853-6015 ext.17 Fax: .1-508-852 76 97
e-mail: jf******@hi*****.org
J.M. Davis Arms & Historical Musuem
333 Lynn Riggs Blvd. (U.S. Route 66)
Claremore, Okla. 74018
( 918)341-5707
John M. Browning Memorial Museum
Rock Island Arsenal
Building 60
Rock Island, IL 61201
Kris Gayman Leinicke, Curator
(American military Arms) (10/05)
Maine State Museum
State House Station 83
Augusta, ME 04333
(207) 289-2301
Edwin Churchill, Chief Curator
(Collection of American Firearms expanded on Leister Collection)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
5th Avenue at 82nd Street
New York City. NY 10028
(212) 879-5500 Ext. 3396
Stuart Pyhrr
(High Art Arms & Armor)
Milwaukee Public Museum Reference Library
(Nunnemacher Collection)
800 West Wells Street
Milwaukee, WI 53233-1478
(414) 278-2736
Morristown National Historic Park
30 Washington Place
Morristown, NJ 07960-4299
(908) 766-8215 Kopczynski, Curator
(Revolutionary War Arms) (7/04)
b>Mountain Post Museum
Fort Carson, CO 80913
(:303) 579-2908
James J. Bush
Museum of the Fur Trade
6321 Highway 20
Chadron, NE 69337
(308) 432-3843
(Indian Trade Arms) (10/05)
National Infantry Museum
Bldg 396- Baltzelll Avenue
Fort Benning, GA 31905
(706) 545-2958
(American Military Arms) (10/05)
The National Museum of American History (Smithsonian
14th Street and Constitution Avenue
Washington, DC 20560
(202) 633-3950
Bart Hacker, Curator, Division of Military History and Diplomacy
(American & European Arms) (7/04)
Saint Louis Art Musuem
1 Fine Arts Drive
St. Louis, MO 63110-1380
(314) 721.0072
(Arms and Armor gallery) (10/05)
Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum
2503 4th Avenue
Canyon, TX 79015
(15 miles south of Amarillo)
Springfield Armory National Historic Site
One Armory Square
Springfield, MA 01105-1299
(413) 734-6477 (office)
(413) 734-8551 (musuem)
John R. McCabe, Curator;
Dru Bronson-Geoffroy, Archivist
(American Military Arms) (10/05)
U.S. Army Ordnance Museum
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005
(410) 278-3602
(U.S. Military Arms and Ordnance) (10/05)
U.S. Cavalry Museum
Box 9232
Fort Riley, KS
(785) 239-2737
U.S. Marine Corps Museum
Washington Navy Yard
Closed to the public as of 15 April 2005
U.S. Marine Corps Air·Ground Museum
[CLOSED PERMANENTLY-shifting to National Museum of the Marine Corps & Heritage Center]
U.S. Naval Academy Museum
118 Maryland Avenue
Annapolis, MD 21402-5034
(410) 293-2108
Jim Cheevers, Senior Curator (10/05)
Valley Forge National Historic Park
1400 North Outerline Drive
King of Prussia, PA 19406
(610) 783-10000
Wallace Elms, Supt.
(George Neuman Revolutionary War Arms Collection) (10/05)
Walters Art Museum
(formerly known as: Walters Art Gallery)
600 North Charles Street
Baltimore, 21201
Ph. 410-547- 9000
West Point Museum
United States Military Academy
West Point, NY 10996